Success Stories

At only 53 I have been worried about how difficult I have been finding using my hands for such simple tasks as writing, turning pages and gripping things due to my arthritis. I wondered what the future held for me if it was so difficult now. With Paula’s help I can’t believe the difference, I am almost pain free and able to do things I haven’t done for years and I am only a month into my programme.

I had a consultation with Paula because I was struggling with my mood and flying off the handle at home and in work situations. I thought I had a healthy diet as I mainly eat vegetarian but with a few tweaks I am feeling a whole lot calmer and I think my family and work colleagues are as grateful as I am.
After a chance encounter with Paula at a party I was telling her about my psoriasis and how unhappy it made me. She asked a few questions and then explained to me that skin conditions are rarely about the skin and more a symptom of something else being the issue. I went along to see her and realised that my gut issues I had for years was the root of my problems. We made some dietary changes and supplementation and I was amazed at how great my digestion became. My skin is now loads better than it has ever been and I lost some weight to boot. Couldn’t be more happy.

I have been struggling with my weight the whole of my life, yo-yo dieting and trying every new fad diet to come on to the market. I was at my wits end because after reading some much about keto diets, plant based, fasting, paleo I didn’t know how to eat any more. Paula has busted all the myths, set me on the right path and I am finally losing weight. I have fallen back in love with food, I no longer white knuckle it till meal times and I can eat with my family and friends. Nothing was banned, but when it was explained to me which foods were really essential to nourish my body, the old dangerous foods were crowded out and I no longer craved them. I can’t thank Paula enough for her encouragement and support.

After a chance encounter with Paula at a party I was telling her about my psoriasis and how unhappy it made me. She asked a few questions and then explained to me that skin conditions are rarely about the skin and more a symptom of something else being the issue. I went along to see her and realised that my gut issues I had for years was the root of my problems. We made some dietary changes and supplementation and I was amazed at how great my digestion became. My skin is now loads better than it has ever been and I lost some weight to boot. Couldn’t be more happy.